Saturday, January 16, 2010

Instant Messaging (7 of 23 Thing)

After a few false starts and a little more than a small amount of technical help via IM and in person, I managed to get Instant Messaging set up on my desk and laptop computers. Along with neat icons, too! At the moment, all my buddies are family members who have to put up with me and all my fooling around. I will try figuring out Communicator next week at work if I find the time.

For the most part, I find Instant Messaging to be a lot more work than a simple phone call. First it breaks your concentration, second, you have to compose your replies somewhat quickly (and spell correctly) so you don't feel like you're letting down your side of the conversation and third - you have to keep up with the incoming replies as you compose your own - the pressure! Now I could see how it could come in handy -like when your kid IMs you at work and even though it looks like you're working you're really helping them with their homework. Ha! Ha! However if phone reception is unavailable, expensive or just plain bad but Internet is at the ready, I could understand how this "Thing" would come in handy - like on a cruise ship or in a foreign country.

As for public libraries, using IM to answer reference questions would provide real-time virtual customer service. Of course logistical issues such as dedicating manpower ready to respond to incoming inquiries, handling multiple patrons at the same time and setting limits on time spent with each inquiry, would have to be addressed.

This is a Thing I was already familiar with and believe I'll attempt to make more use of it in the future -to broaden my experience and see if my opinion of its worth is justified.

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